The truth is that the benefits of Derma Roller / Derma Pen are plentiful and couldn’t be contained within a how-to paragraph. Whether you are someone who suffers from acne, dry skin, weak skin, scarring, aged-looking skin, and more – it’s hard to imagine a skin ailment that cannot be remedied or at the least improved via dermapen .
Rupesh from his Harley Street Clinic, London says his top-5 benefits of derma rolling or dermapen outside of the inherently obvious are as follows:
Premature Aging:
Not dissimilar to treating wrinkles, derma rolling has the capability to prevent and undo premature aging of the skin via triggering of collagen and elastin growth. By thickening, repairing, strengthening, and upping the elasticity of skin, derma rolling can have an anti-aging effect by giving skin a stronger, more youthful appearance – which is why it is one of the most frequently turned to skin treatments for anti-aging.
A condition in which parts of the skin become darker in color than the surrounding skin, hyperpigmentation is highly noticeable and can make those suffering from it feel self-conscious and insecure. Luckily for those of us unfortunate enough to be dealing with hyperpigmentation, there is derma rolling. By helping to shed the top most layer of skin and produce melanocyte, derma rolling can diminish the effects of and even eliminate hyperpigmentation.
Pore Size:
Clogged and enlarged pores are not only unattractive, they can lead to great problems such as an increasingly acne-damaged layer of skin, blackheads, oily skin, and more. Often located on the nose and around the cheeks, derma rolling can help to reduce the size of enlarged pores by, again, producing collagen, as well as by thickening the epidermis
Hair loss & Hair Growth:
Derma rolling can be performed on the scalp in order to help combat and reverse the effects of hair loss. There are two different ways in which derma rolling can be performed on hair – singularly, or in conjunction with hair loss medications in order to facilitate absorption. Without hair-care products, derma rolling can promote hair growth by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles, thereby also inhibiting proteins that cause hair loss.
Acne Scar:
One of the worst and most lingering effects of acne is not the skin blemishes and pimples themselves, but the lasting scarring that they leave. When acne hits, the skin has an inflammation response to the damage, after which the body will try to repair the damage, producing more collagen which, combined with the inflammatory response, can create scarring.
Once the scarring has already set in, however, derma rolling can help to undo it. The prickling of the skin by the derma roller will cause the skin to repair and replace itself which, if done over a long enough period of time, can eventually wear down and eliminate scars.
Stretch Marks:
Regardless of their primary cause, there isn’t anyone who will tell you that they are a fan of their stretch marks. One of the most common concerns of women during pregnancy, as well as a large number of folks who encounter the scarring and markings during their day-to-day lives, stretch marks are an unsightly skin marking that has not been fully remedied – only treated to varying degrees.
The time it will take to have a serious impact and see real effectiveness will vary, but derma rolling has been used to repair and eliminate stretch marks to excellent effect – try it today to start putting your derma roller to work for you!
Book an appointment with Rupesh at:
12 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PG
Tel: 0207 193 9717
Mob: 07956 576666